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Kuti 59

KUTI is a Finnish magazine specialized in contemporary comics.
Since 2006, 58 issues have been published. We, the Comics and Migration project, had the honour to edit issue 59 in cooperation with Kutikuti. We held an open call for migration-themed comics about migratory flows, experiences of migration, the construction of borders, multilingualism, minority status, cultural plurality or anything connected to forced and voluntary migration. We also invited some artists to join in. A part of the comics were selected to be published in this special KUTI issue, and some will be published on the project's webpage.

Artists involved in this issue:

Maryam “Mellu” Abuzaid-Ryu
Warda Ahmed
Bianca Casco
Mariá González Nácher
Ivanda Jansone
Mustafa Kamil
David Kerr
Janek Koza
Nicolas Krizan
Jade Lönnqvist
Aiju Salminen
Semyon Tiger

Cover art: Hayfaa Chalabi
Articles: Ralf Kauranen

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Read it for free online or download the pdf for free

℅ Ralf Kauranen, Kotimainen kirjallisus, 20014 Turun yliopisto
℅ Ralf Kauranen Department of Finnish Literature, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
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