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New Comic! Warda Ahmed: Attitudes behind the words

Oh no, did I just say that?  Internalized attitudes shine through our speech as unpleasant implications. Warda Ahmed collected a series of comic panels out of the brainfarts that racialized people have to hear once too often.  The style is inspired by Chucha Marguez, with juicy colors, significant thinking material and a bonus: a bingo panel for racial discussion. 

Warda Ahmed: Attitudes behind the words

What is often said to racialized people and the attitudes behind the words. / By Warda Ahmed @wanzech, inspired by Chucha Marguez @la_chucha. "You speak Finnish really well!" = Finnish can never be your mother tongue. "Maybe we should call you 'Allu'!" = I'm not bothered to learn how to pronounce your name. "You would look great without the scarf!" = Wearing the scarf can not be your...
℅ Ralf Kauranen, Kotimainen kirjallisus, 20014 Turun yliopisto
℅ Ralf Kauranen Department of Finnish Literature, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
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